Leading Teachers to Meet in Skopje!
The Second International Leading Teachers Summit, held every two years by the International Leading Educators Association, will be held in Skopje.
Leading Teachers Summit, that brings together teachers and educators from Turkey and countries around it, will meet this year with the main theme “Cross-cultural Education and Multicultural Experiences in Education”.
The Summit will take place in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, between the dates July 15th -17th, 2016. Teachers and educators from the Balkans, the Middle East, Central Asia, the Caucasus and North Africa are expected to join the Summit.
SH. K. E Aktiviteti Association undertook to be the host of the Summit. İstanbul Medeniyet University and Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Teacher Training and Development are the partners of the Summit.
Teachers, teacher candidates and academics will be able to attend to the Summit with a country report, paper presentation, poster or workshop proposal. Participants will be able to apply with their proposals prepared in Turkish or English until the date of May 7, 2016.
The Science Board Chairman Dr. İbrahim Hakan Karataş says peace and tranquillity can be attributed to the masses through teachers and explains the purpose of the Summit; “There is a growing unrest and chaos in our region and around the world. As educators primarily way to spread peace among ourselves is through finding a common language. We know that this language is in our historical and local experience. We will meet in order to unearth this treasure, compare our contemporary experience, enhance our efforts of living together, raise our motivation and develop methods and techniques that will bring all these achievements into classroom practices. Our goal is to strengthen the prospects for tranquillity and peace in our country, region and world through our students and parents.”
The audience of the summit will not be charged. Balkans trip will be held before and after the summit for the participants and the audience.
II. International Leading Teachers Summit details can be found at http://ilts.oncuegitimciler.org.tr/?id=20&lg=2